Instacart charges fees based on several factors. You can find the breakdown of specific fees below. 

Delivery fee

The delivery fee varies based on the retailer, delivery window, and order total. You see the delivery fee when choosing your delivery window at checkout.

Instacart+ members get free delivery on eligible orders of $10 or more per retailer. 

All orders must be at least $10 to qualify for delivery.

Service fee

What is the service fee on my order?

The service fee helps support the Instacart platform and covers a range of operating costs including shopper operations, insurance, background checks, and customer support. The service fee isn’t a tip and doesn’t go to the shopper delivering your order.

Service fees vary and are subject to change based on factors like location and the number and types of items in your cart. You can view the service fee total on every order at checkout.

What if I am an Instacart+ member?

Instacart+ members pay a reduced service fee.

Is there a service fee for pickup orders?

Instacart pickup orders don't have service fees, regardless of Instacart+ membership.

Why did my service fee total change after delivery?

Changes to your order, including replacing or refunding an item, change the service fee. You’ll see the final cost and service fee total on your digital receipt after the order is complete. For more information about order changes, visit this article.

Shopper tips are separate from service fees. 100% of your tip goes directly to your shopper. Learn about tipping your shopper.

Long-distance service fees

We may charge a long-distance service fee if the delivery route is 30+ minutes or includes a toll.

Priority fees

Priority fees apply to customers who choose priority delivery windows during checkout. Priority delivery has shorter delivery windows (60 minutes or less) and varies based on shopper availability. Fees are clearly marked and start at $2. Priority delivery isn't always available.

Pickup fees

Pickup orders from certain retailers have a "pickup fee" (equivalent to a delivery fee for pickup orders).

Bottle deposit and bag fees

We collect these fees per local city, state, provincial, and territory laws where applicable. To find more information about potential bottle deposit fees, please visit

To see your state’s bag fees, visit

Taxes and additional fees

Taxes are in the order total on the delivery receipt we email to you when your order is complete. The tax and/or fees you pay on products purchased through the Instacart platform are the same as in a physical store. Depending on your location, the delivery or service fee may also be subject to tax. Additional fees may apply to your order depending on your city, state, province, or territory.

  • Sales tax: The sales tax may apply to some or all of the items in your order per local laws depending on the store address or your delivery address. Instacart+ membership fee and other fees are subject to applicable taxes.
  • Sugar-sweetened beverage fees: In certain jurisdictions, sugary beverages are subject to an additional tax. These fees may apply to some or all of the items in your order per local laws depending on the store address.

Customers shopping in Oklahoma with a 100% disabled veteran sales tax exemption card from the Oklahoma Tax Commission can contact Instacart Customer Experience for a sales tax refund.

Shopper tips are separate from any Instacart fees. 100% of your tip goes directly to the shopper delivering your order.  Learn about tipping your shopper.